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I wonder how much opposition there was before the start of World War 1 and World War Two, was there marches in major cities worldwide, did people complain to their members of parliament. There must have been some pushback, there was consciences objectors who seemed to be vilified by their beliefs. So it seems the impression was most people supported those wars and with the lack of information at the time it seems there was little opposition.
My question is what excuse do we have today, aren’t all our young people computer savvy who can instantly connect to the Webb and know instantly what’s going on. What about the 24 hour news channel’s with observers in every country instantly relaying events as they happen, surely with all this scrutiny Worldwar 3 can’t happen.
If we are so savvy today how are we allowing the wars in Ukraine and Palastine and now the escalation with Iran, I emphasise the we are allowing this to happen. The people who run the world are a tiny minority and can’t without the approval of the majority of us do what they do. So why aren’t we doing more especially our young people let’s use this technology to start making a difference. How about the influencers we hear so much about haven’t they got an opinion, aren’t the young people who will be forced to fight in these wars worried, they should be!
We can’t blame ignorance as was the case in the past, we can only blame ourselves for the apathy we seem to have, why is this.
We have to realise how powerful we are and start to build the world we actually want to live in.
For the past few hundred years we have lived under the rule of the monetary system with the tiny minority running the show, that monetary system is now on its knees with trillion of dollars of dept crippling every economy. It plainly dosent work anymore if it ever really did.
We have to start again and make a new world for ourselves and especially our children and grandchildren, what’s being planned for us isn’t looking good, digital money, cameras everywhere controlling every aspect of our lives is being put in place as we bury our heads in the sand.
I’m sure if we go back in time after the previous world wars and ask the survivors would you do anything different I’m sure the answer would be yes. Now we should know better with the knowledge we have today so what are we going to do?
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