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Two Great Truths of Spiritualism.
Our world today is once again facing the results of a war between two nations where an aggressor country deliberately attacked an innocent neighbour. We read of the casualties on both sides of the conflict and of the civilian deaths from the raids. Then our daily news tells us of the murders of innocent people on our own streets and in our cities. Stabbings, massacres in shopping malls, nightclubs and schools and worst of all are parents who kill their own offspring many of whom are still babies or toddlers. The minds of those who commit the crime of murder is beyond our understanding. The grief of the families concerned is unimaginable. What can be done to assuage the grief of the bereaved and make known to the perpetrators of the crimes that they will answer for their evil deeds. It seems to me that only the Spiritualist religion has the answer.
THERE IS NO DEATH! The victims of these tragic happenings have crossed over a bridge and are now in the next world where they are no longer in pain or distress and where they are cared for with kindness and sympathy. Grief stricken families must be made to believe this fact and that they will meet with them again when they too make the crossing. This great message of Spiritualism that you cannot die will bring comfort to the bereaved and, eventually through messages from the next world, relayed by mediums, the proof they seek and need.
THERE IS A JUDGEMENT! The second great truth of Spiritualism is that “what ye sow so shall ye surely reap.” One of the Principles of Spiritualism is “Personal Responsibility” and so we must all face up to the consequences of the life we have led and the sins we have committed. There is no Saviour God as the established churches teach. As a child I lived through World War 2 with its Rationing, Gas Masks, Air Raid Shelters and I learned of the evil Adolf Hitler who was responsible for it all and for the deaths of 6 million Jews and countless other nationalities around the world. I am now living through the Russian war with Ukraine created by another evil monster called Vladimir Putin and he is responsible for the thousands of deaths of soldiers on both sides of the conflict and for the terrible devastation he has wreaked on Ukraine and its civilian population. How can anyone honestly believe that at death both Hitler and Putin will not have to answer to God for their evil lives because Jesus has already paid the price for their sins? Only Spiritualism with its proof of life after death and that all will face the judgement speaks the truth and this may deter those who wish to kill. What is their reaction when they arrive in the next world find themselves still alive? When they see the extent and result of what they have done and how it has affected others they will probably wish that death was indeed the end. Today also there are those who commit murder because they believe that by killing so called “unbelievers” they are pleasing their deity. They expect a reward in the next world for their actions. What will their reaction be when they pass to the next world? They will realise that their religious leaders have misled them and, rather than a reward, they will have to face the judgement for taking a life or lives of fellow members of God’s family. It is very sad that people who worship God in different ways are being led astray like this by their religious leaders.
If the Spiritualist religion tried harder to pass on these two great truths if might help to give us all a better world to live in. Knowing that loved ones are still alive in the next world and that re-unions will take place at a future date should enable those left on the earth to carry on with their lives, secure in the knowledge that death is not the end. The knowledge that justice prevails in the next world and wrongdoers made to answer for their sins may ease the bitterness felt by many who see the soft sentences handed out to those who have brought sorrow into their lives. Those who believe their path to God is the only way must be taught that God loves everyone — believers and non-believers alike and that we are all part of the one family of God.
If the truths of the Spiritualist religion could only become more widely known I believe the whole world would benefit.
[If you would like to know more about my thoughts on Spiritualism then read my book “Why I am a Spiritualist.” Obtainable direct from me. E-mail me at .]
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