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Like so many others I have been watching the D-Day commemorations for what happened 75 years ago on the 6th June, 1944. It was a necessary action to bring to an end an evil regime which had enslaved the whole of Europe. Britain alone had escaped because of our island status. Now, with the help of the USA and our other allies, we were preparing a rescue operation.
What affected me the most was the figures quoted for the loss of life. Also seeing the war cemetery with its row upon row of war graves and all such young men! I was very emotionally moved by it all but, because I am a Spiritualist, I know there is no such thing as death and I knew that all those who had died, both armed forces and civilians were taken safely to the next world to continue their lives there.
The world we live in today sadly also has too many deaths happening and not from fighting for a good cause. There are street stabbings, terrorist atrocities, abusive parents who kill their own children, murder their wives or girl friends, road rage victims, the list is endless. I feel so sorry for the families of the bereaved. I want to say to them “But they are not dead! They are safe in the next world and you will see them again.” Also I join them in their indignation at the short sentences and early release from prison that these criminals receive. We must remember that “God is not mocked” and one day we must all answer to a higher justice. He made the laws and no one is allowed to “get away with it.” As a Spiritualist I know that all face retribution in the next world for misdeeds. The 6th Principle of Spiritualism is —“Compensation and retribution hereafter for all the good and evil deeds done on earth.” Spiritualists do NOT believe in a saviour god who has already died for our sins. We believe the words of the Bible about reaping and sowing. “Whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he surely reap” [Gal.6:7] It saddens me that our churches — of all denominations — do not emphasize that while God will forgive your sin, (He is a God of Love and Mercy), you must atone for your wrong doing. You must face the consequences of your sins and make restitution. Perhaps if everyone in the world understood that a judgment awaits them in the next world where they will answer for their wrongs then we would all have a safer world to live in.
As a Spiritualist I know, beyond any shadow of doubt, that there is a world after this world. I know that when I arrive there I will meet up again with all those I knew on earth who have preceded me into this new and glorious life. A life where I can continue to develop my gifts, use my talents increase my learning and enjoy the wonderful things this new world offers. So — dry your tears everyone and look forward to that glorious reunion with your loved ones who are well, happy, free from pain and living a life they love.
Yes indeed, I am so very glad that I am a Spiritualist!
I am offering a free copy of my book “Why I am a Spiritualist” to anyone interested. Please contact me by email
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