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Welcome to the February Magdalene Newsletter, a place of sharing in these transformational times, honouring the earth and the sacred feminine during our journey towards unity. The old ways of separation do not work in the new world and as we move towards inner wholeness we are now coming together both within and without.
Thank you to those who attended our Soul Retreat at Overton-On-Dee near Wrexham; we had a very beautiful day as we came together in an atmosphere of love and deep connection. I would like to thank Jayne Sorfleet who invited us into her beautiful healing sanctuary and into her home where we shared lunch together. I would also like to thank Jenny Naylor who once again graced us with the most incredible sound healing. It was a very special day indeed connecting to such amazing women.
Today we celebrate Imbolc, the first spring and the return of even more light, may you step into your first spring as you plant the seeds of new beginnings in the heart.
With love,
Margaret and Graham
Magdalene Priestess Training
This is an 8 part series of downloadable audio workshops to be completed during each turning of the wheel of the year. I have set up a closed facebook group, Magdalene Priestesses, where you are to share your experiences of the teachings with me and with the others who participate. You will be given guidance and feedback there; you will also have the support of other trainee priestesses. At the completion of the year long course following the writing of a short essay you will be able to call yourself a Magdalene Priestess and set up your own circle if you wish. This course will enable you to awaken to the lives you have lived as a priestess. Mary Magdalene was a Nazarene Priestess and she along with other cosmic teachers will provide the knowledge for this training. You can begin at any time of the year.
The cost is £40 for each of the 8 parts.
As we have had enquiries from people who would like to do this course alone for their own personal healing and education without participating in the Facebook group we are now offering it as a self-study course also. There will be no initiation or certificate at the end of it; the cost for each of these workshops is £20.
For those of you who are fully trained Magdalene Priestesses you can now register to begin the High Priestess Training.
Please get in touch if you are interested.
Messages Of Light
Today is Imbolc where we celebrate the turning of the wheel of the year once again and we move into new beginnings. This is the time to bring in the light and it is also deeply associated with Brigid the goddess of the eternal flame. Her flame belongs in the heart and so this is very much a heart time, a time for renewal of the heart of going deeper than ever into its mysteries.
Love is at the heart of all our spiritual work no matter what we do and the further we travel along the path the more we need to work from love and this is not always an easy thing to do. To keep the heart open continuously is something that not many of us can achieve. You can feel your heart opening and closing according to circumstances, we open it when we feel the love from another towards us or when we find ourselves connecting to something beautiful and we feel it close when someone is sharp with us so it is no easy task.
The heart is at the centre of every thing that we have to deal with, every emotional issue and every physical ailment it is always the heart so if you are dealing with a problem in part of your body look at the message it is bringing you and then go into your heart and see what unfinished business you have there.
The healing and opening of the heart is a lifetime’s work and the more we grow and the more we practice the closer we get to complete opening. At this time where Brigid brings her eternal flame focus upon your heart as much as you can so that you work from your heart and not from your mind. If someone is being unkind to you feel the pain it is causing you but still keep your heart open, keep focused and keep it open.
When you see the full truth of another person allow yourself to see everything and do not hold back at all but still keep your heart open. I wrote in the last newsletter that this is the year of the rose and the rose is the heart so this is also the year of the heart. Many of us have objects of the heart around us in our homes for it is such a universal symbol of love and it is love which we all desire so very much. Keep bringing in those symbols in whatever way you can so that you have a constant reminder of how you can be. Keep your connection to the fire element as much as you can as well for the fire belongs in the heart.
If you have fire rising up within you through your digestive system than look to your diet and use the very powerful healing herbs of Marlow and slippery Elm but also look within and see to your fire. Sometimes physically the fire rises up within us because some emotions are rising up for us to feel and deal with and it is always from the heart even though it comes from the digestive system.
Work with the colour red in any way, wear it, have red flowers, include red foods like red peppers and strawberries and bring the red in in any way you can. There are certain foods which are for the heart and strawberries are one of them for if you look at them they look like a heart. It is the same with raspberries and also any green foods are good for the heart. Spices will help as well.
I like to use stag medicine for the stag is also known as the hart and it is a symbol for the heart; the green forest is another metaphor and if you connect to the stag and the Forest in your inner journeying you will be working with the heart.
Love in truth is not the outward demonstration of feelings it is the inner acceptance of another person just as they are without wanting to change them, it is seeing the truth of them with their failings and accepting them without judgement. The same applies to each one of us as well but to love ourselves means to love without judgement and with full acceptance of who we are.
Many of you reading this will be deeply sensitive souls and you will have had many experiences in your lives where people have taken advantage of you and put too much upon you and it has made you wary of opening your heart too much. You may also think that if you open your heart wide you will be even more sensitive and you will not be able to bear the pain of the world. When you open your heart even wider it does not mean that you will have less boundaries or that you will be extra sensitive to the things in the outer world what it means is that you will have a greater understanding and acceptance of everything and strangely enough opening the heart also comes with a greater detachment.
In your healing work keep your attention focused as much as you can upon the hearts of those whom you help and you will get straight to the heart of the matter and your clients will open their hearts more than ever to you and you will see into their hearts as you never have done before.
When Ram Dass asked his guru for teachings he was often given, love everyone, serve everyone and that is the truth of our work and of how to live our lives. We are human and there are times where you protect ourselves from the pain of what you feel and what you see by shutting down and that is all right for this is all part of the greater understanding of love.
A little red Robin comes to me now and he too is a symbol of the heart and he asks that when you see him outside you honour him for he reminds us of where we need to work from. The Robin also brings the Christ light and Christ is the teacher of the heart, he is the teacher of suffering and he teaches us the true meaning of it and he teaches the true meaning of love.
Christ is going to be very apparent in this coming time as more hearts open than ever before, his light is there for you to call upon; just ask and you will receive help. You are being reminded also to always ask for help and where you may have felt quite alone in this last year with not much help from spirit then just know that more help is waiting for you now. The great beings of light call out to you to ask you to come to them to share your sorrows and your joys and to speak of those things which you need reassurance for. They are gathering in their multitudes for the light is growing ever stronger and they only wait upon you.
Even though you have to be self reliant you also have helping hands reaching out to you from the light so take those hands and lift yourself up and sit in Communion with your heavenly helpers for they wish to help you more than ever.
There is a great awakening in the heart at this moment so keep the door to yours well and truly open and if you begin to judge yourself stop and remind yourself about acceptance about being open and if anyone else causes you pain remind yourself also of these things. There is so much open heartedness around at this time, I felt it so much at my retreat day at the weekend; every single woman there was open and as we connected in the heart at the beginning of the day holding hands the love between everyone was incredible.
So open your heart as never before and watch as you heal all those things you have been carrying for so very long.
Flower of the Month
Flowers belong to another realm; they are the healers of the soul. Their cosmic blueprints are within the worlds of spirit. Each month I bring to you a flower and I give you a snowdrop on this day when we remember Brigid.
The snowdrop flower belongs to Mary the mother so bring in this beautiful flower of hope and purity when you feel you need the reassuring energy of the mother and she will bring you comfort and she will hold you and love you as her child.
Go within and go into the woods and follow the snowdrop path and you will find mother Mary will be waiting for you and you will sit together amongst the snowdrops and she will bring you love and hope and peace.
Mystic Journeys
Wrap a red cloak around you and draw in the red light from it then feel yourself rising up and up into the light.
You see before you a heavenly Temple which to you looks as though it is made of flames and it is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen. You enter into the Temple and immediately you feel a great warmth within your heart as you step inside. This Temple is so very beautiful and it is filled with wonderful things but in the very centre is one huge red flame.
As you look into the flame a figure emerges from it and you see that it is Christ, he opens his arms wide and you can see right into his heart and within his heart is his sacred flame. You have never seen him look this way before for he appears so ordinary and yet the love emanating from him fills the whole Temple.
He calls you to him and he asks you to speak of all those things which are on your mind, he asks you to completely empty your mind of all worries and all concerns and to give all these things to him. You spend a long time sharing from your heart as never before and the love from him just increases and increases the more you speak.
You watch as he takes all the things you have spoken about into his heart and into the sacred flame there and there they are burnt and transmuted into love.
The love from his heart flows into your heart and that love radiates through every part of your being and you know that this is the purest love you have ever felt.
Christ speaks to you and tells you that he is always there for you and you can return to this Temple of the heart when ever you need help and healing.
We now have a YouTube channel to share healing messages so if you would like to listen to the messages here is the link:
Tales From Rose Cottage available on Kindle
A mystical fairy story containing the teachings of Mary Magdalene.
Available from Amazon:
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