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Each month close to the full moon on The Wirral I hold a Moon Circle to share the ancient teachings of the moon; we gather together in a spirit of love and community. Since beginning my circle, other circles have been created in the UK and abroad joining us together in the old ways of honouring the moon.
The moon is full on January 31st in the sign of Leo.
When we work with the moon and all its phases we are working with pure feminine energy and the expression of that feminine energy is the goddess. We work with the goddess in many forms or we can just work with the goddess herself however each goddess brings her own energy for she is an archetype. A goddess is a thought form, an idea which can manifest into form. Working with all the goddesses allows us to explore different aspects of ourselves for each archetype of a goddess is already within us for we are made of many parts of the whole.
The energy which has been building up towards this full moon is of the goddess Aphrodite, she is so present at this time and her energy will cover this moon both before and afterwards. If you think of the name Aphrodite you immediately hear the words love and beauty and so in truth Aphrodite is no different from the idea of love or beauty and when we work with these things we work with Aphrodite.
She comes to work with you with the blessings of this full moon to reveal more of the truth of the beauty within and she also brings you the greatest healing which is love.
Draw down the light of Sirius in through your Crown, filling up with its Starlight and then radiating it out and around you.
Before you begin to work with the teachings of Aphrodite you are to meet her and see her with new eyes and because this full moon energy is imbued with her essence you will connect to her through this moon.
Take yourself up to the moon and there you will find a doorway within it; you step inside into the most brilliant white light and that light fills your being within and without so that you are lit up like a beacon. There is so much light around you that you can see with crystal clear clarity and as you look there manifesting before you is the goddess Aphrodite. You have never seen her so clearly and you have never seen her beauty before in this way and you have never been touched by her love as deeply as you are now.
Aphrodite hugs you and welcomes you with her heart touching your heart as you embrace and you then study her and notice everything about her and you speak to her and you hear her sweet voice and listen to her wisdom for she is love manifest.
You are the goddess herself and all the aspects of the goddess are also within you and the more you grow in your spiritual journey the more you transform into your goddess self, this is the ultimate aim of all your hard work. You are now going to become Aphrodite; she will not be outside of you for you will be her so that you can experience first-hand the idea of her which is love and beauty. Take great notice of the symbolism of this journey for it is in the symbolism where your teachings lie.
The white light of the goddess surrounds you and as you walk through the light you find yourself in the sea. You are almost submerged in the water and you feel and touch the water and let it run through your hands. This water represents your emotional body and your past and it is now time for you to rise up from your past from your old emotions.
As you contemplate this, a group of beautiful mermaids gather around you in a circle splashing and filled with joy and they lift you up out of the water and as they do bubbles of sea foam gather beneath your feet so that you are standing upon the foam. You understand what this means for you have risen up out of the watery depths of your emotions up into the light helped by these wonderful mystical beings.
There is the most incredible feeling within you of Ascension as you actually feel a great uprising of your energies.
The sea foam brings you to rest upon the most beautiful beach and you look around at your surroundings. You see the rocks, the cliffs and mountains in the distance and the Sun shining so warmly upon you while the sea is the brightest turquoise colour; what a beautiful place this is. You begin your assent upon the path to the top of the cliffs and you look down and see magical coves below you and the land behind you covered in carpets of flowers.
You see a path and you travel along this path and this is the path of your life for you are travelling this path as the goddess Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty and as you walk along this path you are acknowledge the beauty within you. It is not the beauty on the outside which matters for Aphrodite teaches us about the beauty within and we often do not see it ourselves but now you see it in truth. You see how kind and giving you have always been in your life, you see how you have made sacrifices for others, you see how much love you have always given away. For the first time in your life you now accept yourself as beautiful for you are the goddess Aphrodite.
Upon this path you observe but you do not connect to people whom you have met in your life or people in your current life and you look beyond the outer shell of them and you see the beauty within them. You understand as never before what has made them as they are, you see how they have suffered as you have and they too tried their best. As you look upon all these people upon your path, the path of your life you bless them all with love for you have seen deep into their hearts.
You hear the sound of the waves and as you hear their beautiful music you realise that you are in a cave at the edge of the sea. What peace there is in this cave and you are perfectly content. In this cave you find a pink rose quartz crystal heart and you sit with it in your hands. As you hold this crystal something unfolds within you as you find yourself opening and opening. All you can feel is love but this is like no other love you have ever felt before for it is heavenly love, it is pure and vast and it carries the most peaceful vibration of all. You feel as though you are part of a huge wave of love and this wave of love flows through everything in existence. This love is not like earthly love or even unconditional love it is the purest form of love for it is cosmic love, the love which comes from the light from which you have been created.
The island of Cyprus was the main producer of copper; the name Cyprus means copper and because of the vast amounts of it there it has always been a very powerful healing place for copper heals. Copper is the metal which corresponds to the planet Venus, the planet of love and when you work with copper you also work with Venus.
You are taken to Cyprus to a beautiful place of healing and you lie down upon the ground; as you do this you feel the vibrations of the copper within the Earth reaching up and healing you with its light. The moment you connect to the copper the planet Venus is activated above you and she sends down her cosmic light to fill you and she sends down the five pointed star which surrounds you for this is her symbol.
As you lie down upon the ground you are healed by both heaven and Earth, by the copper and by Venus and your whole body, mind and spirit comes into complete alignment as you vibrate with the energies of the copper and Venus.
Enjoy this full moon and may you realise how great your inner beauty is and may you feel the heavenly love which has been brought to you.
With love,
Margaret x
There are more teachings from previous months’ moon circles here:
If you would like to begin a moon circle in your area then I will be happy to pass on information to help you to do this. Although you can run a circle any way you want I send out teachings to all the moon circle teachers each month before the full moon and they can use these if they wish. Your contact details can also be added to the contacts page on the website.
If you are interested in beginning your own circle then please get in touch with me at:
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