SECRETS of Life and Universal Living - Be spiritual streetwise
By:Joy Wisdom
Date: Sat,25 Aug 2018
Submitter:Joy Wisdom
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SECRETS of Life and Universal Living
Spiritual Metaphysics - ARE you Spiritually Streetwise?
Turn the tide on the unknown - Live the GOLDEN dream for advanced living, happiness and future destiny. Transformational training starts September
We have come a long way since Metaphysics was introduced
A literal meaning of "beyond the physical." The term was invented by the 1st-century BCE head of Aristotle's Peripatetic school, Andronicus of Rhodes.
Aristotle calls it "first philosophy" (or "Wisdom") and suggests "first cause and the principles of things". An example of metaphysics is a study of God versus the Big Bang theory.
I suggest we seem to have missed the point regarding spiritual metaphysics, we have become so caught up in proving, finding the outcome, science, proving etc., that we don't realise the key which is more about us and how we work from inside out! Caught up in more head and brain than heart and love. Essentially, we have lost our way over centuries of proving and left-brain dominance.
Did you know we have x 3 HeARt Chakras?
Did you know that without the 4th HeARt Chakra opened and functioning we cannot reach Solar living, Christ consciousness, Collective and UNITY consciousness?
Did you know there are 7-levels of learning of LOVE?
Did you know, - that the closure of the HeARt chakra is one of the reasons we become depressed, anxious and stressed!
Did you know, - being a Sensitive or Empath we pick up on other people's energies and the negativities in our environment. Reasons for feeling overwhelmed and can't cope with life!
Did you know - declining energetics causes illness and disorders in the physical?
In training and workshops, I come across many people that are well read in the ways of spirituality, but little practice or understanding. Reading won't do it, it just gives us knowledge. No experience of that knowledge. It does not make us an expert. Just because we have read it does not give us the experience or feeling of how spirit feels!
The knowledge does not give answers as to how and why we are overwhelmed with life! Unaware living from little feeling and/or heart is numb.
Just because we read it does not give us the experience internal knowing or function. A whole new element of knowledge of the self.
In my workshops I ask individuals to take a look at the internal self… energetically. Who and what they think they are from the mind, and what they find with internal reality are different perceptions.
The mind is ego and lives the illusion whereas the heart and energetics tell the true story. The mind gives the wrong impression… a lot be desired on this front.
To live and gain spirituality we need to see and understand our true internal reality. Understand that if we are churning out negativity, living in anger and frustration, on the treadmill of survival, we will be causing internal damage to ourselves. Idolised terms of change, from 'Lead into Gold' - 'Empty the vessel' - 'Live in the moment' have been bandied about for eons, but do we understand what it means?
Are we enhancing or destroying internally?
1. Do we know why?
2. Why are we doing that?
3. Whose choices are we living?
4. Are we being driven by old life styles, historical IGTA transference and conditioning, or are we stuck in a rut and can't get out?
Logically, we need to enhance at all times. Yet the majority of the population is on a quest to destroy, with negative emotions, intolerance, and purging the self at every turn. Essentially, we are unaware what we do to ourselves. Unaware of internal converting and biology reaction that goes on to cause disorders and disease. Adverse reactions and actions that depletes life. The mind will not show us…. Heart and energetics will.
The above shows up dramatically in my workshops,
As working with the malfunctioning of the HeARt and energetics, you can't hide the truth of inner reality: I compare the HeARt as a flower and petals, it is symbolic of the level of heart influence and/or receiving. I am so sad when I hear people say one or two petals. Why? because the heart is barely alive or functioning and the 3-fold-flame is as a dying ember. A&E is required to jump start the heart.

The NEW App for LIFE and 'Will' to live
With knowledge, information and reasons why, education compared to a spiritual university level, practical details helping to give the mind more awareness of the biological and emotional influences. As mentioned we are a whole unit, and the unit works as one, made up as parts, affecting each other, all is reliant upon the whole. Made up of our biology, energetics, subconscious mind and emotional outside influences.
The universal workshops and LiGHt Healing programmes, help to awaken, giving remedies and skills making way for the heart to switch on… The NEW App for LIFE and 'WILL' to live.
Universal life workshop training is on a rescue mission to reawaken and bring life back into the HeART, having lain dormant and uninspired to live. Which shows in emotions, depressed mental attitude, suppression and weariness people live.
The Kick start of the HeARt is essential to bring life back
We do not associate mental health and energetics, neither do we associate energetics with emotions, but both affect the decline of the physical as nothing is separate we are a unit, and all systems interface and work together, if one is out of kilter or declining then the rest of the systems will suffer and decline too.
If only this was understood with disorder of Cancer etc., For we can make change through simple strategies and awareness. Which is what is taught in personal development, Universal Living, understanding the SECRETS of Metaphysic's how we tick and how we can take control of us.
There are many parts to this and I realised a long time ago that knowledge was not enough. We need to jettison the emotional hook-ins we have accumulated via inherited and reincarnation, driving our lives now, metaphysically we have been limited by the mind, when the brain and heart should be working for us. Together for our best outcome, instead of fighting for position, ego and diversion, which is the driving force for many.
People are surprised when I say I don't have chatter all day in my head. I have peace and quiet. A boon to society to live that way… and in the Universal-Life-5- days we aim to get each student to that place of a quiet mind. Mindfulness is not enough to do this, meditation is a long road to attain.
Why wait, when you can achieve in 5-days transformational training.
¢ Opening to new vistas of life only dreamt of.
¢ Live the Metaphysical dream every day 24/7.
¢ Jump hurdles of living avoid distraction and live with internal Satnav.
¢ Advance to live all 7 levels of LOVE: Master the art of metaphysics.
Energetics are powerful and we have been kept away from the truth of how to use to keep us well and healthy, learn how to replenish and improve your life, avoid, prevent and jettison inherited generations of bad choices and limitation…. All in 5 days.
Live the GOLDEN dream for advanced living, happiness and future destiny.
BE Spiritually STREETWISE ~ SECRETS of Life and Universal Living -
17-21st September 2018 Cheltenham: Further dates 2019.
Times: 10-6pm daily
See my article: Help yourself in this time of living transformation, via the Lions Gate New Tone, symptoms are many.
Read new article on Empaths.
See website for details: Run several times a year - see dates and booking options
Founder Joy Wisdom
A leading LiGHt for the Aquarian Age
Awarded Inspirational Woman 2015; Awarded Practitioner of the Year 2018
Author, Tutor, Mentor; Inspirational speaker; Humanitarian; Founder of Allonus, D.A.R.E practitioners Therapy, LiGht Healing programme & OGP:
Clinical Body-Mind-Emotion practitioner -specialising in psychological issues - Women's and Children's Health
01691 718927
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