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Your true state of being is that of a Light-being, which is forever active within the fifth dimension and above. As such you are an infinite, perfect beam of higher conscious intelligence of electromagnetic radiation - light energy - and a part of cosmic consciousness, which resides in the planes of existence. Being the seat of your eternal existence, your Light-being state is the essence of your soul. Your Light-being state has an eternal purpose which involves transmigration and reincarnating into every life form found within the countless dimensions and universes of the cosmos and creating different realities and becoming a human being is just one of the forms you assume. Irrespective of what life form and reality your Light-being state chooses, your Light-being state is from whence you came, remains your pre-existing state throughout the life you live, and is to where you return after any life lived – that of light – and all lives chosen throughout its infinite life are all part of its eternal plan, the overall purpose of which facilitates the cosmic consciousness.
Your physical body accommodates your Light-being state whilst it learns to function as matter on the earth plane. Made up of 99% empty space, aka as quantum foam or space-time, and 1% matter, your body represents only one-third of the whole of who you are. The remaining two-thirds is produced by at least eighteen different light frequencies all of which are unique to you. Each frequency produces a subtle body that has an individual purpose which, when combined, forms your aura. Your aura is the reflection of your Light-being state and is responsible for manifesting your body, which accommodates your soul whilst your Light-being state resides on the earth plane learning how to function as matter opposed to a being of light working within the cosmos.
We know very little about the planes of existence other than they are cosmic consciousness, they play a role in the manifestation of matter and they are the gateway to your conscious self via your physical senses, which produce your intuition and enable you to converse with Spirit. The number of planes, the higher dimensions, and inter-dimensions from whence they come and how they interface with your soul as it integrates with physical matter during times of reincarnation, are unknown. Of the planes that are known, their number and purpose tend to differ with different mindsets. However, there is an agreement that the planes of existence formulate light energy into matter, with the semi-physical etheric plane being the last plane before the corporeal self, manifests. All life forms have their soul encoded into the 99% space-time of their DNA cells, so from your conception you carry your soul energy within each cell of your body until the point of death, at which time your soul returns to its Light-being state. Below are seven of cosmic planes of existence identified and which are as follows:
The Seven Cosmic Planes of Existence
Conscious Self Physical body Dimension
The First The Etheric, Physical template, 3rd Dimension
The Second The Emotional. 4th Inter-dimension
The Third The Mental. 4th Inter-dimension
The Fourth The Astral Spiritual-self. 4th Dimension
The Fifth The Etheric Template. 5th Inter-dimension
The Sixth The Celestial. 5th Inter-dimension
The Seventh The Causal Higher spiritual-self. 5th Dimension
& beyond? The Soul Light-being state. 6th Inter-dimension and higher
When on the earth plane, your Light-being state incarnates into every personality trait and variation of it to be found within the human condition, and every plant, tree, and species found in the animal kingdom enable humanity to evolve and transcend to be assimilated into cosmic consciousness in its own right. Each lifetime lived is relived several times from different perspectives, each with a different outcome. The sum total of the knowledge gained from dealing with the complexities and challenges that arise when the matter-less form of your Light-being state lives as matter is stored within the DNA of the life form it transfers into an drawn upon when required during a present life to create or balance karma, which is basically a very efficient learning aid.
Once your Light-being state chooses which life form would best suit its purpose, it draws upon all the data gathered from previous lives to formulate blueprint scenarios based on the sanctity of Free Will to create a cosmic life plan for it. Within the blueprints you will have the choice as to do things the “easy” or the “hard way” and by experiencing both, the option of the “middle way”, which is the way having learned, is eventually revealed. How the concept of the opposing forces involved in making a personal choice is woven seamlessly into the predetermined blueprints isn’t clear; however, but the mastery shown in such a plan points to the existence of a higher-intelligent consciousness is at work behind the scenes. These purposeful, mindful, meaningful blueprints contain all the information needed to construct the life your Light-being state wishes to experience in a life form on the earth plane. In the case of reincarnating as a person, the blueprints contain details of multi-perspective learning curve scenarios resulting from each choice made and acted upon or not, and all the physical, mental and emotional traits needed to enable your Light-being state in its earthbound body to live the life it needs to live to accommodate its eternal purpose. This includes every aspect of your appearance, personality type, and sex, all of which play an integral part in how the scenarios are played out, when and how you were conceived, born, the various environments within which you live throughout your life, and die (transition). However, when it comes to having children, you do not choose them, they choose you in their Light-being state.
All the blueprints that go to creating a life plan will be built around the contracts agreed with other Light-beings with whom you are transmigrating to balance karma, and/experience Dharma and interact with for the first time. The roles you all play in each other’s life plans, which range from passing a stranger on a street to the long-term relationships of family and friends, are integrated into the respective blueprint scenarios. Each blueprint also carries an option to change the outcome of any scenario which comes in the form of an existential crises brought or a trauma of some kind during your life. Upon completion of your life plan, your soul travels through the higher planes of existence until it meets the seventh, the causal where your subtle bodies start to integrate your soul energy into matter enabling conception. At this point, your life plan is put into action and your meaningful, mindful purposeful life begins to unfold.
Choosing your life before you were born with the option of changing the blueprint to become either the best or worst of who you are, places you in the juxtaposition that enables you to strip away the emotional baggage that prevents you from seeing things clearly. With clear sight, you are able to see that the intended and unintended consequences of your actions and/or non-actions were responsible for the crisis you find yourself in. Such insights enable you to take yourself out of the blame game without leaving issues unresolved. Having the strength and courage to change a blueprint is a very empowering action that steers you away from walking the disempowering path of the “the poor me”. It also prepares you for future challenging events during which you may find yourself asking “how could this have happened”; you will know the answer, which will always be “because you chose it to be so in your Light-being state so you could balance karma and go through learning curves”. This answer will be followed by the question – “so what is it you have learned?” And the answer will be ongoing and multi-fold.
The concept of choosing your life before you are born is one of many coping mechanisms developed by people to cope with the questions surrounding the life and death; however, it is alien to the vast majority of people who cannot square the one life and that’s it belief which, makes it impossible to understand why someone would chose to put themselves through the process of being aborted, miscarried, place themselves at the mercy of other’s inhumanity to man, be born with a disability, a severe neurodivergent condition, die young, or a terrible death, etc. In fact, it’s impossible to square unless you take into account Einstein’s first law of thermodynamics - energy can’t be destroyed or created, it can only be transferred or transformed – which echoes the ancient belief of reincarnation and when in human format the 1% matter you are made from is that of stardust. Both these facts are the basis for the belief that we are all Light-beings learning to be human, we are not humans learning about Light-beings. Such a concept can present you with a perspective that enables you to transform your life for the better, at the most fundamental of levels.
Therefore, the lesson you are learning whilst on the earth plane is how to be a Light-being in human format. Your purpose is to overcome the challenges that type of existence presents, the main one being not to allow your basic instincts as a human being to over-shadow your potential to evolve and grow into a self-actualized, empowered individual who is secure in who you are; and by doing so, you live your life being the best of who you are and by doing so serve humanity for the greater good. For those who haven’t already done, so, after reading this article, you now have the option to view yourself as an androgynous being of light in the form of living matter, learning to be human, not a human learning about Light-beings, because you already are one.
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