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Written by Jacqueline Benenati
Be grateful to God that throughout history provisions have been made for man to come to terms with the spirit world. There have always been those who could bridge the gap between the material and the spiritual worlds. They have been called prophets, seers, oracles and mediums. Their task is not an easy one, and great trials and tribulations are added to their daily lives. Some choose to take this responsibility knowing the difficulties they will face, while others run from it. The faculty given them can be difficult to manage, for man’s ego can corrupt it. So honor their commitment; give them your support and appreciation for the work they do for mankind. And above all, pray that they receive the assistance they need to continue fulfilling their mission.
Written by Y. Limoges
Mediums carry a tremendous responsibility of which they will have to make an exact accounting for its use when they return to the spirit world. They have received their faculty more for their own moral betterment than for anything else, but if they can help others than they should. Mediums are ONLY MESSENGERS; solely an instrument for spirits to use for communication with those in the material world.
The mediums of our center consistently receive education and training in regard to conducting themselves properly based on guidelines according to the Spiritist Doctrine.
Nevertheless, any visions, messages or spirit communications received from a medium, should be analyzed and contemplated upon by the recipient. They are responsible in using their own reason and judgment in determining whether to reject, accept, or defer judgment on what any medium transmits from the spirit world.
Edited by Yvonne Crespo Limoges, Director
Spiritist Society of Florida
5042 22 Avenue North,
St. Petersburg, Florida 33710
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